„The great sceptics versus science and the value of law, a Tolstoi, a Daumier, an Anatole France, are invaluable admonitors for stocktaking of oneself. Only a lawyer with bad conscience can be a good lawyer.“

Gustav Radbruch

© Wilke

Education | HonorsProfessional Activities | Publications | Honorary Activities


Elementary School and Secondary School in Vienna (passed with distinction); Studies of Law at the University of Vienna (passed with distinction); thesis "Sexuality, Youth Protection and Human Rights - On the Right of Children and Adolescents to Sexual Self-Determination"; Bar Exams before the Bar-Exams-Commission at the Upper Regional Court of Vienna (passed with distinction).

Professional Activities

Legal Assistant at Vienna Courts; Legal Assistant in an Accountant's Firm in Vienna; Candidate Attorney in Vienna; Practical Course in a law firm in Prague; since 18 Feb 2000 attorney-at-law in Vienna; 2000-2013 also admitted in the Czech Republic; lectures and publications on national and international level; Member of the European Group of Experts on Combating Sexual Orientation Discrimination appointed by the European Commission 2002-2004; Co-Coordinator and Austrian member of the European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law (ECSOL) founded in 2005; Director for Europe of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law Association (ILGLaw) (since 2000); member of the national Helpline for Crime Victims (2005-2007); since 2003 counsel of crime victims on behalf of victim protection centers (Vienna Ombudspersons for Children and Adolesents; Vienna Outreach Clinic for Men; Helpline for Raped Women and Girls); Since 1992 Co-President of the Austrian Society for Sexologies (ÖGS); 1991 co-founder and hitherto president of Rechtskomitee LAMBDA; 2002-2006 lecturer at the University of Innsbruck (Sexuality & the Law); since 2006 lecturer at the Academy of European Law; since 2011 lecturer at the Vienna Academy of Sexology. since 2002 state-approved counsellor-at-law for family affairs under the Austrian Family Counselling Advancement Act; Counsel in leading cases before the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECtHR: L. & V. v. Austria 2003, S.L. v. Austria 2003, X et al v Austria 2013 (Grand Chamber), E.B. et al v. Austria 2013, Hörmann et al v Austria 2017; D.B. v. Switzerland 2022; CJEU: Tadao Maruko v. Versorgungswerk der deutschen Bühnen 2008 (Grand Chamber), Jürgen Römer v. City of Hamburg 2011 (Grand Chamber), E.B. v. BVA 2019 (Grand Chamber) and others) as well as before the Austrian Constitutional Court (for instance discriminatory age of consent for male-homosexual relations 2002; mandatory divorce for trans-persons 2006; sex-discriminating tariffs for elderly persons at Vienna public transport 2009; access of lesbian couples to medically assisted procreation (sperm donation) 2013; joint adoption by same-gender couples 2015; same-gender marriage - "Marriage for All" - "Marriage Equality" 2017; Third Gender 2018), the Administrative Supreme Court (for instance mandatory genital surgery for trans-persons 2009 & 2010) and the Supreme Court (for instance renewal of proceedings without ECtHR-judgment 2007); legal advicer to ILGA-Europe; expert heard by the German federal parliament (Bundestag), the Austrian federal parliament (Nationalrat) and Austrian Ministers of Justice. Temporary Advicer of UNAIDS. Member of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS).


„Jurisprudence is like beer; at first you shiver, but once you sip at, you cannot abstain“

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1770) 


  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (26 April 2024)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (23 February 2024)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (29 September 2023)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (28 April 2023)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (25 February 2023)
  • Von kranken Bösen und bösen Kranken (Of Sick Evil People and of Evil Sick People) (Interview), in: Susan Boos, Auge um Auge - Die Grenzen des präventiven Strafens (An Eye for an Eye - The Constraints of Preventive Sanctioning) (Zürich 2022)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (30 September 2022)
  • Sexuali; tät & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (27 May 2022)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (4 March 2022)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (8 October 2021)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (27 May 2021)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (5 March 2021)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (27 November 2020)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (2 October 2020)



  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (4 October 2019)
  • Sexualität, Jugendschutz und Menschenrechte - Die rechtliche Situation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Österreich und Deutschland (Sexuality, Youth Protection and Human Rights - The Legal Situation of Children and Adolescents in Austria and Germany), Sexuologie 2019 (26) 25-30
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (24 May 2019)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (1 March 2019)
  • Sexualdelikte aus der Sicht des Strafverteidigers (Sexual Offences from the Perspective of the Defence), Sachbearbeiterschulung Sexualdelikte, Bundeskriminalamt (training course for detectives, Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation) (21 November 2018)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (5 October 2018)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (27 April 2018)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (2 March 2018)
  • "Sexualität, Jugendschutz & Menschenrechte" ("Sexuality, Youth Protection & Human Rights",  Seminartag "Sexualmedizin im Prozess" (seminar "Sexual Medicine in Process"), Austrian Academy for Sexual Medicine (Salzburg 21.10.2017)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (6 October 2017)
  • "From Zukrigl to X et al, and beyond", Conference "LGBTI Human Rights 2017: The European and Inter-American Courts", Centre of European Law and Transnational Law Institute, The Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College, London (July 7, 2017)
  • "Sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität - Rechtsentwicklung und offene Bereiche" ("Sexual orientation and gender identity - legal developments and unsolved issues"),  10. ExpertInnenkonferenz der ReferentInnen der Antidiskriminierungsstellen der Länder (10th experts conference of the anti-discrimination ombudspersons on state-level) (Vienna 16 May2017)
  • "Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (12 May 2017)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (3 March 2017)
  • "Auf die grundsätzliche Möglichkeit der Elternschaft ausgerichtet - Über die Verfassungswidrigkeit des Eheverbots für gleichgeschlechtliche Paare" ("Oriented towards the basic feasibility of parenthood - On the unconstitutionality of the marriage-ban for same-sex couples"), Zeitschrift für Familien- und Erbrecht (Journal of Family and Inheritance Law) 01 2017 (12-15)
  • Same-Sex Partnerships in Austria - The Case-Law of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights, Panel "Regulation of Same-Sex Unions and Families in Slovenian and Foreign Jurisdictions“, Days of Slovenian Lawyers 2016, Portoroz (13 October 2016)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (7 October 2016)
  • Die eingetragene Partnerschaft (Registered Partnership), 2nd edition, PRIDE special issue no. 150a (2016)
  • Vom Kriminal in den Trauungssaal – und immer noch nicht gleichberechtigt Die Rechtsentwicklung für Lesben, Schwule und Bisexuelle in Österreich (From Jail into the Wedding Hall - the Legal History of LGBT´s in Austria), Campus Lecture - University of Applied Sciences (21 April 2016)
  • Marriage Equality - The Austrian Pathway, seminar "Registered Partnership - 10 Years After", American Center (Prague, 15 April 2016)
  • Vom Kriminal zur Familie- Die Rechtsentwicklung für Lesben, Schwule und Bisexuelle in Österreich (From Jail to Family - the Legal History of LGBT´s in Austria), Baxalta (Orth an der Donau, 19 Oct 2015)
  • Ehe für ManagerInnen - Die Ehegleichheit und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft (Marriage for Managers - Marriage Equality and its Relevance for Business), LGBT-Business Forum, ÖBB-headquarters (Vienna, 14 Oct 2015)
  • Marriage Equality - The Situation in Europe and in Austria, "Evan Wolfson - Winning the Freedom to Marry", U.S. Embassy Vienna (Vienna, 12 Oct 2015)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (9 October 2015)
  • Legal opinion on the treatment of gender and names of trans and intersex students at the University of Vienna (Gutachten zur Geschlechtsbezeichnung und namensrechtlichen Behandlung von trans* und inter* Studierenden an der Universität Wien) (16September 2015)
  • Das 17jährige Kind - Europäisches Sexualstrafrecht zwischen Schutz und Bevormundung (The 17 Year Old Child - European Union Sex Offence Legislation between Protection and Paternalism) - Humboldt University Berlin (15 July 2015)
  • Vom Kriminal in den Trauungssaal – und immer noch nicht gleichberechtigt Die Rechtsentwicklung für Lesben, Schwule und Bisexuelle in Österreich (From Jail into the Wedding Hall - the Legal History of LGBT´s in Austria), Campus Lecture - University of Applied Sciences (6 May 2015)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (6 March 2015)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (12 Dec 2015)
  • Case Study "Sexual Orientation", Legal Seminar – Enforcement of equality and anti-discrimination law, European Commission - DG Justice (Brussels, 28 Nov 2014)
  • Vom Kriminal in den Trauungssaal – und immer noch nicht gleichberechtigt - Die Rechtsentwicklung für LGBT‘s in Österreich (From Jail into the Wedding Hall - the Legal History of LGBT´s in Austria), 2nd LGBT-Business-Forum, Vienna Townhall (12 June 2014)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Basic Sexological Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (28 February 2014)
  • The 17year-old Child - European Union Sex Offence Legislation between Protection and Paternalism, conference "Sexual Citizenship & Human Rights - What can the US learn from the EU and European Law", University of Texas at Austin (Austin, 23 Nov 2013)
  • Sexual Orientation - The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights, keynote-lecture at the conference "Sexual Citizenship & Human Rights - What can the US learn from the EU and European Law", University of Texas at Austin (Austin, 22 Nov 2013)
  • "Dein gutes Recht - Gleichgeschlechtliche Partner- und Elternschaft" ("Your Well-Deserved Right"), Rechtsinfotag Gleichgeschlechtliche Partner- und Elternschaft (Legal Information Day - Same Sex Partnership and Parenting), RosaLila PantherInnen & Stadt Graz, Graz (14 October 2013)
  • Sexualität & Recht (Sexuality & the Law), Sexuologische Basiskompetenzen - Modul 1 ("Sexological Basic Competencies - Module 1"), Vienna Academy of Sexology (4 October 2013)
  • "Die Zeit im Wandel - Trends und Meilensteine 1998-2013 in der Rechtsentwicklung für Schwule, Lesben und Transgender-Personen" ("Changing Times - Trends and Milestones 1998-2013 in the Legal Development for LGBT´s"), Fachkonferenz "Amtliche Buntmachung: 15 Jahre WASt - Erreichte Erfolge, Herausforderungen und Zukunftsthemen kommunaler Antidiskriminierungsarbeit" (Symposium "15 Years Vienna City Antidiscrimination Department for LGBT´s Ways of Life")" Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für gleichgeschlechtliche und transgender Lebensweisen (Vienna City Antidiscrimination Department for LGBT´s Ways of Life) (Vienna 3 October 2013)
  • Religious (Non-)Intervention in Selected European and Austrian High-Court Cases and in Austrian Law-Making, International Conference "Freedom of Religion and Non-Discrimination: The Collision of Identities", co-organized by International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, United States, and Central European University, Legal Studies Department, Hungary, Budapest 7-8 June 2013
  • Diskriminierungsschutz - Berufungsgericht: EUR 500,-- schrecken Milliardenkonzern ab (Antidiscrimination - Appeals Court: EUR 500,-- Deter Corporation Worth Billions), Anwalt Aktuell 01/11, 26 (2011)
  • ‘Gay Rights’ in R Wolfrum (ed) The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law vol IV (OUP Oxford 2012) 292–305

  • "Comparing People or Institutions - The ECJ Maruko & Römer Judgments",  Conference on LGBT rights “TOGETHER AGAINST DISCRIMINATION“, Government of Montenegro - Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Budva, 19 March 2012
  • "Comparing People or Institutions? - The ECJ Maruko & Römer Judgments", How to litigate before the European Union Courts - seminar for human rights lawyers, Open Society Foundations & Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Warsaw, 9 March 2012
  • "Gemeinsame Obsorge nur für gemeinsame Kinder?" ("Joint custody for joint children only?"), commentary on Supreme Court decision 30 Nov 2011, 7 Ob 124/11b, Zeitschrift für Familien- und Erbrecht (Journal of Family and Inheritance Law) 02 2012 (70-72)
  • "Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity - The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights", Seminar 'Let's go to Court - Strategic litigation of LGBT-cases in Hungary', Budapest (October 17, 2011)
  • Comparing People or Institutions? The ECJ Maruko & Römer Judgments, Toward Europe, Toward Equality, International Human Rights Conference, Government of Montenegro, Danilovgrad, Montenegro (2-3 September 2011)
  • "Same-Sex Couples & Human Rights", On the Human Rights Aspects of Life of Same-sex Couples in Europe and Slovakia, International Academic Seminar, Department of Human Rights and Equal Treatment, Office of the Slovak Government Bratislava (May 31, 2011)
  • "Sexual Orientation - The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights", Identifying Rights and Identities: Sexual Minorities in the Balkans, International Academic Conference, Belgrade, May 27-30, 2011
  • "The ECJ Römer judgment - a first assessment", Equality and Justice - LGBTI Rights in the XXI Century, International Conference, Florence (12-13 May 2011)
  • "Sexual Orientation & Discrimination: Employment Conditions and Pension Rights", International Conference "Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships - National, Cross-Border and European Perspectives", Academy of European Law, Trier (12 April 2011)
  • "Sexual Orientation in Employment and Pension Rights", Seminar "Recent Developments in EU-Antidiscrimination-Law", Academy of European Law, Trier (11 April 2011)
  • Erwachsene Kinder und Harry Potter als Kinderporno - Eine neue EU-Richtlinie soll Pornogaphie, Kunst und Pubertätskomödien verbieten (Adult Children and Harry Potter as Childporn - A new EU-directive is to ban pornography, art and coming-of-age movies), Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung (Journal for Sex Research) 2011 (24) 77-83
  • Teenagersex - Strafrechtliche Zurückhaltung bei einvernehmlichen Sexualhandlungen mit geringem Altersunterschied? (Teenage Sex - Criminal law restraint towards consensual sexual acts between peers?), Anwalt Aktuell 01/11, 26 (2011)
  • Die eingetragene Partnerschaft (Registered Partnership), PRIDE special issue no. 120a (2011)
  • Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung - Das späte Menschenrecht (Sexual Autonomy - The Tardy Human Right), Fachtagung "Sexuelle Welten - Vielfalt Leben" - 30 Jahre ÖGS & 10 Jahre Courage (Wien, 03.-04.12.2010)
  • Sexual Consent and Human Rights, in Thomas K. Hubbard (ed.): Boys' s Sexuality and Age of Consent, special issue of THYMOS: Journal of Boyhood Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 99-104 (2010)
  • Expert Opinion for the Public Hearing of Experts in the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) on 21.04.2010(inclusion of "sexual identity" into the German constitution)
  • "Die Rechtssachen Maruko & Römer - Verbot der Diskriminierung auf Grund der sexuellen Ausrichtung" ("The Cases Maruko & Römer - The Prohibition of Sexual Orientation Discrimination"), Seminar "The Antidiscrimination Directives 2000/43 & 2000/78 in practice", Academy of European Law, Trier (23.02.2010)
  • "Hiv & Strafrecht - Die Rechtslage in Österreich" ("Hiv & the Criminal Law - The Situation in Austria"), Hearing by the Swiss National Aids Commission (EKAF), Solothurn (25.11.2009)
  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in the ECJ's Rulings, Justice in the Balkans: Equality for Sexual Minorities, International Academic Conference (Podgorica, 24 Oct 2009)
  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in the ECJ's Rulings, EQUINET Legal Seminar "EUROPEAN CONCEPTS OF EQUALITY ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE" (Brussels, 30 June 2009)
  • Sexuelle Orientierung im europäischen Recht ("Sexual Orientation in European Law"), Österreichische Richterzeitung (RZ) ("Austrian Judge's Journal") 09/09 (178-184), 87. JG (2009)
  • "Die Rechtssachen Maruko & Römer - Verbot der Diskriminierung auf Grund der sexuellen Ausrichtung" ("The Cases Maruko & Römer - The Prohibition of Sexual Orientation Discrimination"), Seminar "The EC-Antidiscrimination Directives 2000/43 & 2000/78 in practice", Academy of European Law, Trier (12.05.2009)
  • Sexual Consent & Human Rights", Comments to presentations at session 8: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Age and Sexual Consent, 1st Global Conference "Good Sex, Bad Sex - Sex Law, Crime & Ethics", Budapest (04-06 May 2009)
  • Sex, Hiv & das Gesetz, Vortrag am 7. Hiv-Update, Kühtai(25.04.2009)
  • Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Award of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Law Association (ILGLaw), Laudation for Dr. Peter SCHIEDER, The Global Arch of Justice: Sexual Orientation Law Around the World, Conference convened by Williams Institute & Int. Lesbian and Gay Law Association (ILGLaw), UCLA Law School (West Hollywood, 11-14 March 2009)
  • Sexual Orientation - The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights, The Global Arch of Justice: Sexual Orientation Law Around the World, Conference convened by Williams Institute & Int. Lesbian and Gay Law Association (ILGLaw), UCLA Law School, California, 11-14 March 2009
  • The Case Tadao Maruko - The European Court of Justice and Same Sex Pensions, The Global Arch of Justice: Sexual Orientation Law Around the World, Conference convened by Williams Institute & Int. Lesbian and Gay Law Association (ILGLaw), UCLA Law School (West Hollywood, 11-14 March 2009)
  • The Case Tadao Maruko, Equal Rights to Pension Benefits? – Seminario “La Famiglia Che Cambia”, Evento formativo accreditato dal Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Bologna (Bologna, 21 Februar 2009)
  • Liebe zweiter Klasse? - Diskriminierung von Lesben und Schwulen im Recht (Second Class Love? - Discrimination of Lesbians and Gays in the Law), Keynote-lecture at the congress "Dem Hass keine Chance - Homophobie entschieden entgegentreten" ("No chance to hatred - resolutely resisting homophobia), German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) (21 Nov 2008)
  • Die Rechtssache Tadao Maruko (The Case Tadao Maruko), lecture at the seminar "The EU Anti-Discrimination Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 in practice: exchange of good practices and recent developments" at the Academy of European Law, Trier (10 Nov 2008)
  • The Case Tadao Maruko, Equal Rights to Pension Benefits? - A panel sponsored by the European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law (ECSOL), ILGA-Europe Annual Conference (Vienna, 31 October 2008)
  • Sexualität & Recht - Zwischen Schutz und Bevormundung (Sexuality & the Law - Between Protection and Paternalism), "Am Netz oder im Netz? - Jugendsexualität und Neue Medien" ("Surfing the Web or Caught in the Web? - Adolescent Sexuality and New Media), 5. seminar "Sex Education and Family Planning", Sex Education Center, University of Applied Sciences, Merseburg (25 Oct 2008)
  • Expert Opinion for the Public Hearing of Experts in the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) on 18.06.2008 (same sex registered partnership)
  • Die Rechtssache Tadao Maruko (The Case Tadao Maruko), lecture at the seminar "The EU Anti-Discrimination Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78 in practice: exchange of good practices and recent developments" at the Academy of European Law, Trier (09.06.2008)
  • Juristische Aspekte der Transsexualität ("Legal Aspects of Transsexualism"), with Co-author Elisabeth Vlasaty, in: Fischl & Vlasich, Transsexuell-Transgender-Der Weg ins andere Geschlecht ("Transsexual-Transgender-The Way into the other Gender"), Krause & Pachernegg: 2007, http://www.kup.at/cd-buch/28.html
  • Sexuelle Ausrichtung ("Sexual Orientation"), Lecture at the conference "Combatting Discrimination: The Directives of 2000 on the Principle of Equal Treatment", Academy of European Law, Trier (06.11.2007)
  • Hiv/Aids, Safer Sex & Strafrecht - Die Rechtslage in Österreich ("Hiv/Aids, Safer Sex & The Criminal Law - The Law in Austria"), Lecture at the German-Austrian Aids-Congress, Frankfurt/Main (28.06.2007)
  • Gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften ("Same-Sex Partnerships"), Lecture before the working group "family and law" of the reform platform within the Austrian People's Party (part 1)
  • Gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften ("Same-Sex Partnerships"), Lecture before the working group "family and law" of the reform platform within the Austrian People's Party (part 2)
  • Oral Observations before the European Court of Justice in the case Tadao Maruko v. Versorgungsanstalt der deutschen Bühnen (C 267/06, 19.06.2007)
  • Expert Opinion for the Public Hearing of Experts in the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) on 18.06.2007 (sexual exploitation of children and child pornography)
  • Gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften ("Same-Sex Partnerships"), Lecture at the annual Judges Week 2007, organised by the Austrian Ministry of Justice (22.05.2007) (part 1)
  • Gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften ("Same-Sex Partnerships"), Lecture at the annual Judges Week 2007, organised by the Austrian Ministry of Justice (22.05.2007) (part 2)
  • Sexuelle Ausrichtung ("Sexual Orientation"), Lecture at the conference "Combatting Discrimination: The Directives of 2000 on the Principle of Equal Treatment", Academy of European Law, Trier (31.10.2006)
  • Sexuelle Orientierung - Zur Lage eines Menschenrechts in Österreich ("Sexual Orientation - On the State of a Human Right in Austria"), Visiting lecture at the University of Innsbruck, School of Law (08.06.2006)
  • Das späte Menschenrecht - Sexualität im Recht ("The Belated Human Right - Sexuality in the Law"), Paper, Course on Interdisciplinary Sexology, University of Innsbruck, Summer-Semester 2006
  • Aktuelles Sexualstrafrecht in Österreich und der Schweiz ("Current Law on Sexual Offences in Austria and Switzerland"), in Baier, Bosinski & Loewit (Hrsg.), Sexualmedizin ("Sexual Medicine"), München/Jena: Elsevier/Urban & Fischer (2005)
  • Sexuality & Human Rights, Helmut Graupner & Phillip Tahmindjis (ed.), New York: Haworth Press (2005), www.haworthpress.com
  • Sexuality and Human Rights in Europe, in Helmut Graupner & Phillip Tahmindjis (ed.): Sexuality & Human Rights (p. 107-139), New York: Haworth Press (2005), www.haworthpress.com
  • Adolescence, Sexuality & the Criminal Law, Helmut Graupner & Vern Bullough (ed.), New York: Haworth Press (2005), www.haworthpress.com
  • The 17-Year-Old-Child: An Absurdity of the Late 20th Century, in Helmut Graupner & Vern Bullough (ed.): Adolescence, Sexuality & the Criminal Law (p. 7-24), New York: Haworth Press (2005), www.haworthpress.com
  • Sexual Consent: The Criminal Law in Europe, in Helmut Graupner & Vern Bullough (ed.): Adolescence, Sexuality & the Criminal Law (p. 111-171), New York: Haworth Press (2005), www.haworthpress.com
  • Das späte Menschenrecht (Teil 2), Sexualität im schweizerischen Recht, Sexuologie 12, 1-2, 71-77 (2005)
  • Das 17jährige Kind ­ Jüngste europarechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Sexualität in den Neuen Medien , in Kurt Seikowski (Hrsg) Sexualität und Neue Medien , S. 54-79, Lengerich et.al. (2005): Pabst Science Publishers
  • Das späte Menschenrecht (Teil 1) ­ Sexualität im europäischen und österreichischen Recht, Sexuologie 11, 3-4, 119-139 (2004), http://www.elsevier.de/sexuologie
  • Austria, in: Combating sexual orientation discrimination in employment: legislation in fifteen EU member states - Report of the European Group of Experts on Combating Sexual Orientation Discrimination about the implementation up to April 2004 of Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (2004)
  • Sexual Autonomy - A Human Rights Issue, Keynote lecture delivered at the 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sex Offenders (IATSO), "Sex Offending is Everybody's Business", Athens, 6th-9th October, 2004
  • The 17-year-old Child - An Absurdity of the Late 20th Century, Keynote lecture delivered at the 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sex Offenders (IATSO), "Sex Offending is Everybody's Business", Athens, 6th-9th October, 2004
  • Willkommen in der Vierklassengesellschaft !, Der Standard  03.06.2004 (S. 27)
  • Gleichbehandlungsgesetze - Punktation der Expertise vor dem Gleichbehandlungsausschuss des Nationalrats (www.parlament.gv.at), Wien (18.03.2004)
  • Sexuelle Orientierung - Für einen verfassungsgesetzlichen Schutz vor Diskriminierung, Rede vor dem Österreich-Konvent (www.konvent.gv.at), Parlament, Wien (15.12.2003)
  • Sex in the Böhmdorfer City, Der Standard 11.12.2003 (S. 39)
  • Impacts of the EC-Employment-Directive - experiences from implementation in member states, Paper presented at „Sexual Orientation Discrimination: The Employment Framework Directive and Beyond“ - Public Hearing, 11th November 2003 - European Parliament, Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights
  • Diskriminierung auf Grund sexueller Orientierung in Österreich, Statement auf der Konferenz „Diskriminierung – ein Kavaliersdelikt", Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 02.06.2003
  • Das 17-jährige Kind - Jüngste europarechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Sexualität in den Neuen Medien, Vortrag anlässlich der Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Sexualwissenschaft e.V. (GSW) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Klinik und Poliklinik für Hautkrankheiten der Universität Leipzig, Tagungsthema: „Sexualität und Neue Medien“, Leipzig 10.05.2003
  • Human Rights Violations On Grounds of Sexual Orientation, Paper presented at "Equality in Dignity and Rights Regardless of Sexual Orientation – A Fundamental Principle of Human Rights, not a Negotiable Concession", Side event of the Government of Sweden to the Session of the UN-Human Rights Commission (Palais des Nations, Geneva - April 10th, 2003)
  • The 17-year-old Child - An Absurdity of the Late 20th Century, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) “Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence - From Understanding to Protection and Prevention” (Vienna, September 11th-14th 2002),„Sexuality, Adolescence & the Criminal Law“, Friday, 13th September 2002.
  • Sexual Consent - The Criminal Law in Europe and Overseas, Keynote-Lecture at the 7th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) "Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence - From Understanding to Protection and Prevention” (Vienna, September 11th-14th 2002), Friday, 13th September 2002
  • Die verhängnisvolle Kinokarte - Vom politischen Missbrauch einer verfassungsgerichtlichen Entscheidung, Der Standard (09.07.2002)
  • The Legal Situation of Lesbians and Gays, Statement at the press-conference "The Situation of Lesbians and Gays" by Peter Schieder, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, on the occasion of the establishment of the Center for Research and Comparative Legal Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (CERSGOSIC), Turin, http://www.cersgosig.informagay.it, (Council of Europe, Strasbourg - June 26th, 2002)
  • A Little Bit Safe? Asylum on the Basis of Sexual Orientation Persecution in Europe, Paper presented at the Business Law International Conference of the International Bar Association (IBA) (Cancun October 28th – November 2nd 2001)
  • Unzucht und Anstößigkeit - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Pornographie, Vortrag anlässlich der Fachtagung "Prostitution und Pornografie" des Österreichischen Instituts für Familienforschung (ÖIF), Wien 10.-11.10.2001, veröffentlicht in "Österreichisches Institut für Familienforschung, Prostitution und Pornografie", Wien 2002 (S. 10-46)
  • The Criminal Law: Stale Ground or Still a Serious Battlefield? Paper presented at the Conference “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Fundamental Rights – Decriminalization, Antidiscrimination Laws and the Recognition of Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual Rights” (Centre for Research and Comparative Legal Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, CERSGOSIC) (Turin, March 9-10 2001)
  • Human Rights for Human Sexuality, Success and Failure of Human Rights Law in Securing Sexual Rights, Paper presented at the 5th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology (Berlin June 29-July 2, 2000)
  • Sexuality and Human Rights in Europe, Paper presented at the International Bar Association 2000 Conference (Amsterdam September 17th-22nd 2000)
  • The First Will Be The Last - Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships in Austria, in: Wintemute, Robert & Andenæs, Mads (ed.): Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Partnerships - A Study of National, European, and International Law, London: Hart Publishing (2001) - order
  • Sexual Consent - The Criminal Law in Europe and Overseas, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 29, No. 5, 415-461, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum 2000
  • Kinderkrisenintervention, Eine rechtliche Krise für die Intervenierenden?, Sexus 3, 4-8, Wien: Aaptos (1999)
  • Love vs. Abuse - Crossgenerational Sexual Relations of Minors: A Gay Rights Issue?, Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 37 (4) 23-56, NY: Haworth Press (1999)
  • Spektakelkultur als Ersatz für Menschenrechte? - Wider die Ignoranz der Republik im Umgang mit Homosexuellen, Der Standard 4./5.07.98 (p. 39)
  • Haben Kinder und Jugendliche ein Recht auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung?, liberal aktuell 53, 42-47, 1998
  • "Sexualstrafrecht: Wer schützt wen?", Der Standard 26.11.1997 (p. 36)
  • Von "Widernatürlicher Unzucht" zu "Sexueller Orientierung" - Homosexualität und Recht, in: Hey, B., Pallier, R. & Roth, R., Que(e)rdenken Weibliche/männliche Homosexualität und Wissenschaft, 198-254, Innsbruck: Studienverlag (1997)
  • Safer Sex als Straftatbestand?, in Sexus, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung, 14-16 (2) 1997
  • Wider die Gewalt, für die selbstbestimmte Sexualität, Das neue Sexualstrafrecht in Spanien und Italien (Teil II), in Sexus, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung, II-IV (2) 1997;
  • Wider die Gewalt, für die selbstbestimmte Sexualität, Das neue Sexualstrafrecht in Spanien und Italien (Teil I), in Sexus, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung, II-IV (1) 1997;
  • Sexuelle Mündigkeit - Die Strafgesetzgebung in europäischen und außereuropäischen Ländern, Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 10 (4), 281-310, 1997
  • Sexual Consent - The Criminal Law in Europe and Overseas, in: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence, 22-28, Prague (1997)
  • Sexualität, Jugendschutz und Menschenrechte - Über das Recht von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, 2 Vol., Fft./M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang (1997), printed by the Austrian Ministry of Justice; presented in the Austrian Parliament building on the International Day of Human Rights 1997
  • Austria, in: Green & West (ed.), Sociolegal Control of Homosexual Behavior: A Multi-Nation Comparison, p. 269-287, New York: Plenum (Perspectives in Sexuality) (1997)
  • Homosexualität und Strafrecht in Österreich, Vienna: Rechtskomitee LAMBDA 2001 (8th ed.), 1999 (7th ed.), 1998 (6th ed.), 1997 (5th ed.), 1996 (4th ed.), 1995 (3rd ed.), 1992 (2nd ed.), 1991 (1st ed.);
  • Keine Liebe zweiter Klasse - Diskriminierungsschutz und Partnerschaft für gleichgeschlechtlich L(i)ebende, Vienna: Rechtskomitee LAMBDA 2001 (3rd ed.), 1998 (2nd ed.), 1997 (1st ed.)
  • Historie právních postoju k homosexualite (The Legal Position of Homosexuality in History), with co-author Ivo Procházka, Kriminalistický Sborník 4, Prague (1997)
  • Erectus Austriacus, in Sexus, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Sexualforschung, 1/96;
  • Kalender-Urteil: Homophobe Justiz auf frischer Tat erta", Der Standard, 15.02.1996 (S. 25);
  • Sexualität, Jugendschutz und Menschenrechte - Über das Recht von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, 2 Bände, Universität Wien (Diss. iur.), 1996.
  • Kein Recht zu lieben - Schwule Jugendliche in Österreich - Juridikum 3/95 (22);
  • Ungleichbehandlung als Regelfall, Der Standard, 27./28.8.1993, (p. 28)
  • Zwischen Liberalität und Kriminalisierung, Homosexualität in Österreich 1991, in: Stachel im Fleisch, Unbequeme Einsichten in die Sexualität, Schriftenreihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität e.V. (AHS), Berlin 1992 (p. 39ff)
  • 17 und 19 ist manchmal 209 - Homosexuellengesetze versus Jugendschutz, Juridikum 2/92 (16ff).
  • Rechtskomitee LAMBDA: Für das Recht zu lieben, ÖVDJ- Mitteilungen, 20.JG, Dez. 1991 (p. 13)
  • Homosexuelle Frauen und Männer: Ein bißchen Menschenrechte?, liberal aktuell Nr. 24, Mai/Juni 1991, (p. 23ff)
  • Österreichs Jugend fordert: Gleiches Recht für Homosexuelle, liberal aktuell Nr. 18/19, Juli/August 1990, (p. 39ff)
  • Unzucht, Schandlohn und gute Sitten: Die Prostitution im österreichischen Recht, Juridikum 19ff (4) 1990
  • Aktion: Das Recht auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, Jugend-Report 4/89, (p. 20f)
  • Diskussionsgrundlagen und Dokumente zur Homosexualität im österreichischen Strafrecht, mit Co-Autor Kurt Krickler, Wien: HOSI-Wien 1990 (2nd ed.), 1989 (1st ed.)
  • since 1985 numerous publications in various monthlies
  • since 1992 editor of Ius Amandi, Zeitschrift für gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe und Recht (Journal for Same Sex Love and the Law)

„Where law ends, tyranny starts“

William Pitt



Honorary Activities 

  • On 1st December 2020 one of five experts heard in a hearing by the Committee on Health Affairs of the Austrian National Council (Lower Chamber of the Federal Parliament) on the blood donation ban for MSM (men who have sex with men)
  • Leader of Austria´s equal marriage campaign and first signatory of the parliamentarian citizens intiative Ehe Gleich! (2015-2018)
  • Member of the National Hiv/Aids-Commission appointed by the Federal Minister of Health (since 2013) (since 2017: Commission on Sexually Transmittable Infections)
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 21st World Congress for Sexual Health, World Association for Sexual Health (2013)
  • On 21 April 2010 only non-German expert heard in the public hearing of experts of the Judicial Committee of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) (inclusion of "sexual identity" into German federal constitution). 
  • On 18th June 2008 one of two non-German experts heard in the public hearing of experts of the Judicial Committee of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) (registered partnership).
  • On October 27th, 2007 award of honorary membership in the newly founded organisation Gay Cops Austria
  • Since 2007 listed in online encyclopedia WIKIPEDIA
  • On 18th June 2007 only non-German expert heard in the public hearing of experts of the Judicial Committee of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) (sexual exploitation of children and child pornography). 
  • On 11th December 2003 one of four experts heard in a hearing by the Committee on Judicial Affairs of the Austrian National Council (Lower Chamber of the Federal Parliament) on the bill for an Criminal Law Amendment Act 2003
  • Since September 2000 Director for Europe of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law Association (ILGLaw)
  • Since 1999 member of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)
  • Fall 1996 appointment to the Expert Committee for the Revision of the Sexual Offences Law by the Austrian Minister of Justice
  • On 10th October 1995 one of 13 experts heard in a hearing by the Committee on Judicial Affairs of the Austrian National Council (Lower Chamber of the Federal Parliament) concerning "Homosexuality and the Criminal Law"
  • Since 1991 spokesperson of Plattform gegen § 209, the coalition of more than 30 Austrian organisations lobbying for the abolishment of the discriminatory age of consent for gay men (Art. 209 CC), including Children and Youth Ombudspersons, The Austrian Probationary Service, The Austrian Society for Sex Research, The Austrian National Students Association, Aids-organisations and nearly all Austrian Gay/Lesbian organizations.
  • 1991 co-founder and hitherto president of Rechtskomitee LAMBDA (RKL), Vereinigung zur Wahrung der Rechte gleichgeschlechtlich l(i)ebender Frauen und Männer (Association for the Protection of the Rights of Same-Sex-Loving Women and Men), Vienna
  • 1989-1990 member of the Bureau (the steering committee) of the International Lesbian and Gay Youth Organisation (IGLYO)
  • 1987-2000 honorary activities for the Department for the Protection of Youth and Apprentices of the Vienna Chamber of Labour
  • 1985-1991 member of the board of Homosexuelle Initiative (HOSI) Wien, Vienna; chairman of the legal committee of HOSI-Wien
  • On national and international level numerous lectures on Sexuality and (Human Rights) Law, i.e. Antidiscrimination, Child- & Youth-Sexuality, Homosexuality, Pornography and Prostitution, and manifold participation in respective national and international conferences and seminars.
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